Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Lovely day for a driving test?

We are having another day of icy/slush/snow mix. Yuck. I spent an hour chipping, scraping and shoveling out the driveway. It was like shoveling the remains of a snow cone that has had all the flavor sucked out, then was stuck in the freezer for a couple of hours. What I really wanted to do was take the hair dryer out and use it to melt all the slush, but that probably would have burnt out the motor. Anyway, to get to the title of this post - there is a driving school down the street from us, and we often see pupils and their poor driver practicing parallel parking up and down in front of our house. Today, one of the ickiest of the last couple of weeks (apart from last Wednesday and Friday), appears to be test day. Instead of the usual car marked with the logo of the driving school, there are lots of cars going by with a teenager and an adult, executing turns. Glad it isn't me.

And thanks to the woodchuck (poor sleepy guy) we are supposed to have at least another 6 weeks of winter. Of course, we were always going to have another six weeks of winter, since spring here doesn't seem to start until late April or May. Sigh. If only it would snow pretty, fluffy snow...

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