Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Get out the rye bread and the mustard...

Get out the rye bread and the mustard, Grandma, it's grand salami time! Dave Niehaus, the voice of the Mariners, is finally headed to the Baseball Hall of Fame. It is about time! One of the reasons I have remained faithful to the Ms all these years of bad baseball, under-performance, long distance listening, is Dave. He is the Mariners. He doesn't chatter too much about things that aren't relative to the game at hand. He doesn't shout too much, or too little. He is as much of a fan of baseball as anyone can be. And he richly deserves to be in the Hall of Fame. Here is the short article announcing the award. Yay Dave!

Update: Here is a link to the Steve Kelley article about Niehaus that says what I was trying to say, only better.

1 comment:

  1. Aw, that's the best! I'll have to pass along the good news to other Eastern exiles from Mariners country.
