Thursday, January 31, 2008

There's what in my yogurt???

So, as you may know, I have been having a hard time finding yogurt that I like up here in NY. In Austin, we ate a lot of Wallaby, an organic brand that is really good, but here we can only get it at the two natural food stores in Rochester. We don't get there more than once or twice a month, and the yogurt is more expensive. So I was happy when I discovered that Wegman's now has an organic yogurt, er "super yogurt," and we bought a couple to try. Now, I don't really buy the super food label, and as Michael Pollan says to be, I am suspicious of foods carrying health claims. Well, I should have looked a bit closer at this "super" yogurt before I ate it. It has fish in it. Yes, fish. To give it omega 3 fats. It is yogurt. With fish in it. No, I didn't taste any fish, but the fact that it has fish, and beef gelatin in it... Fish, and beef. In yogurt.


  1. You might have to make your own! I started doing that, once I moved and could no longer get locally made yogurt. But now there's a couple in the next town over cranking up a yogurt business, so I'm supporting them whole-heartedly! The only draw-back, of course, is that this is not yogurt's proper season, so the stuff is temporarily unavailable. I have Stonyfield in the fridge right now, and I can't tell you how unappetizing its solidity is. I didn't look, though, to see whether it had been firmed up with beef gelatin . . . .

  2. Yeah - I have thought about doing that. I am not sure I want to take it up right now, but may have to in self defense. I know what you mean about the solidity...I have mostly switched to kefir for snacking, but still need to use plain regular yogurt for smoothies. Sigh.
