Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Don't be fooled, it's still winter...isn't it?

It did get into the 60s yesterday, and according to the weather report on my computer, it is now 66. 66! That is like a Texas winter day. Now that the snow is all gone, I noticed that the yard was looking a bit straggly - leaves I hadn't raked before the first snow, some plants that should have been trimmed - so I took advantage of the nice warm weather and did a bit of yard work. It makes me want to start planning what I want to do in the spring, the true spring that is, but it is sure to snow again soon. The weather report says it is only supposed to be in the 40s tomorrow, and snowing again on the weekend. Besides, I am not sure how much work I want to put into a garden that I will be leaving some time this summer. If it were my own yard, sure, but a rental? Minimal maintenance, but no building of raised beds out back on the berm, or total replanting of the perennials out front.

In other news, I am baking bread this afternoon. On Sunday I made challah, using the bread machine to do the kneading and initial rising - the bread turned out very good, and pretty, just like from a bakery. Today is simple wheat bread. Time to cut back from the holiday excesses and return to nice wholesome bread. Sigh, it's a pity, because I could really use some good cookies...

1 comment:

  1. W/r/t Texas winter: I* do believe it hit 80 a couple of days ago here in Austin. 80! (And that's not even a record.)
