Monday, January 28, 2008

Angst update

For my loyal readers who are waiting with baited breath to hear how the horrible job search went, here is an update. I am a dope. Yup. I got all dressed up in business appropriate clothing, drive all the way in to the University of Rochester, filled out a standard multi-purpose application, and left. Didn't talk to anyone apart from the receptionist. Nothing to worry about. I might hear from them later this week. Huh.

In the meantime, I have discovered two library-related job openings that I am probably qualified for. One is for a library assistant at the downtown branch of the library, working in the history and genealogy center. This one is closest to my areas of work, but they may want someone with more managerial experience. The other job is for a children's library aide at another branch library on the other side of Rochester. It sounds like fun, and I may apply, but I don't know if it would be worth it, money-wise, since I have to make a certain amount just to cover the cost of gas. I bet that it is only 10-15 hours a week, if that...

So the angst continues, at a slightly lower level. At least I am making some sort of attempt, right?

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