Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Why two Hobbits?

According to this article, Peter Jackson has agreed to make a movie version of The Hobbit, hoping no doubt to rake in another boodle of money. But, instead of one nice little adventure movie, he's splitting it into two movies. Huh? I like Bilbo, and don't really have a problem with the book, but does the world really need TWO movies to tell the story? Do any of you Tolkien fans out there (Annie, Chris, that's your cue) have any clue?

And while we are on the subject of making boodles of money, the Mariners are raising ticket prices by exorbitant amounts - if you buy your tickets before March the amount isn't so bad, but if you wait until game day it is a lot more. And certain games against the Yankees and the Red Sox will be considered "premium" games, and therefore cost even more. That doesn't bother me so much (partially since I probably won't be around Seattle to go to those games) since it does have a precedent in other sports. Hockey, for instance. If you want to go see a good team, or rather, a famous team, like the Maple Leafs, then you pay big bucks. You want to go see a not so good team, or at least a less famous team, like the New Jersey Devils, then prices are a bit more reasonable. But making people buy tickets so far in advance to get a better price is obnoxious. And they are going to raise the price of bleacher seats too. Blech.


  1. I can't imagine how you could drag that book across two movies -- but then i thought Jackson's take on LOTR was a bloated monstrosity, so I despite (or perhaps because of) my Tolkienphilia I am not the target audience for this movie.

    Too bad about the Mariner's tickets -- one of the things I like about baseball is that even the professional games are usually reasonable, unlike basketball and football, whose prices are insane. But if you want to see expensive "premium" ticket prices, try snagging tickets to see Boston at Yankee stadium. I'm not sure why you would want to put yourself through that, but a lot of people apparently do and are willing to pay ridiculous prices to do so.

  2. Oh, I agree about the LOTR movies. The casting was OK, but the actual movies...Elves, at Helmdeep? Need I say more to anyone who actually likes the books? I feel about the same was about the Golden Compass movie.

    Add hockey tickets to your list of insane ticket prices. Even the cheapest seats in the arena are usually more than $40/seat.

  3. No no no, you're both wrong. The LotR had lame additions, but was sheer genius nonetheless, and is probably as good as a film adaptation of the trilogy is going to get. Balrog--amazing. But why split the Hobbit into two movies? It's a single, unified book. I can't think of any reason to do so, except for the blatantly obvious "give us more money" scheme. Which I'm not going to do.

    There's a reason I don't go to professional sporting events any more, not when cool people I know are putting on no-cover art shows and honky-tonk gigs around town...
