Wednesday, December 12, 2007


This post is for Jennifer and Annie, and any of my other friends who knit. It seems that bloggers who knit (or knitters who blog) are required to post pictures of their knitting. Here are three of the scarves I have completed so far. The one on the far right is actually wider than it appears, but I haven't tried blocking it yet. The one on the left is made of fun fur or something and is very fuzzy. I don't have any pictures of the very first "creation" I knitted, since I unraveled it in order to make the scarf on the right. I've also made one scarf for myself that is very like the middle one (I'm wearing it in the previous post's picture), and one other one that has already been sent off as a gift. After I am done with my Christmas gift scarves, I want to try a blanket, or a Jayne hat...


  1. Hasn't anyone told you yet? Blocking = lame. Don't bother blocking scarves--you're just going to smoosh them around your neck, anyways. Don't block socks--they'll block on your feet. Block sweaters, yes--make sweaters, no. Make a Jayne hat! Make it now!

  2. Normally, I'd agree about scarves and blocking, but that one is really curly, and it is supposed to be a gift...for my father-in-law. So, blocking it is.

  3. I'm with Annie. Totally! Your next step will be figuring out how to make things that do not require blocking. (My next step was to put all FOs that need blocking in a big box somewhere & forget about them. You will be more sensible than that, I am sure.)

  4. If it's totally curly, it might be the stitch you used--an all=stockinette scarf will roll itself into a tube, and unfortunately there isn't much you can do. (nb: I've tried.) But you should try, to experience the fun and irritation that is blocking. Jennifer: you're idea for blocking FOs is genius. I will use it.

  5. Hmm, well it was all stockinette stitch, and I do doubt that blocking will do any good. I'll think about it.
    Now, being a total newbie to this jargon, could someone tell me what a FO is? finished object?

  6. oh! Sorry! FO = Finished Object. WIP = Work In Progress. UFO = UnFinished Object. KIP = Knitting In Public. And all other acronyms are silly. (Those being the ones I don't use/can't remember.)
