Sunday, December 16, 2007

The blizzard of '07

Well, not officially (it has more to do with wind speed and duration than snow volume, apparently), but close enough for blogging about. So far, we have at least 6-8 inches - can't be more precise since I haven't been out to measure for several hours, and it has snowed steadily since I was out. And the snow is blowing a lot, so the depth is different in different places. Here are some pictures from the last few days - a mix of Thursday's snow and today's snow (the only difference is the amount is greater today - but snow looks pretty much the same).

To the right is the view out of our front door. The plows haven't been by in a couple of hours. Some of the neighbors have made an effort to clear their driveways, but we haven't yet. I mean, it is still snowing, and shoveling in a blizzard is one of the most fruitless activities I can think of - and besides, we don't actually need to go anywhere for a while.
Here we have Benjamin braving the cold and blowing snow to go for a walk with me. This was Thursday, but as I said, it is about the same today. I went for a walk earlier today, in case there is too much snow later. The only people I saw on my way were busy snowblowing, apart from the one intrepid jogger. I guess she also wanted to get some exercise before it was impossible.

Not all of the ducks migrated south for the winter - in fact, the park across the canal still has a large number of them. I bet they were wishing they had (assuming of course, that ducks can feel regret). Quite a few of them had an accumulation of snow on their backs - I guess frozen water doesn't roll off a ducks back quite so easily as liquid water!

The canal level dropped a couple of days ago - after Thursday's snow sometime. The ice on the edges cracked, leaving slabs several inches thick on the rocks. Now it is all covered in snow again and you can't really tell.

Anyway, we are snowed in for the immediate future. We did all our grocery shopping yesterday, and took a trip to the library, so the necessities are covered. And we have fresh pumpkin muffins to keep up our strength.

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