Thursday, October 25, 2007

Me, knitting??!!

Yup. I'm teaching myself to knit, using a book my mom sent me. It's really her idea - she says I need something to do with my hands and keep me busy. So, she sent me a book on knitting and a book on crocheting, some needles and some yarn, and now I am trying to figure it all out. I tried the crocheting first, since I remember doing that a couple of times as a kid, and my dad used to make granny squares (little squares that can be assembled into a larger blanket - whatever happened to them, I wonder?) while watching TV, but the diagrams were rather confusing, so I gave up after making a longish single strand. The knitting book is a little (but not much) clearer, so have managed to knit a couple of rows. Next up, learning to purl, then I will be ready to make a scarf. And then an afghan, and a hat, and gloves, and socks... No. I think I will probably stick to the scarf and afghan - not enough patience (or ambition) to do fancy stuff. But if I change my mind, you will be the first to know! Maybe I can Benjamin to crochet...

1 comment:

  1. What happened to the Granny Squares? It is a little bit of a story, but it needs to be told. It takes a really large number of them to make into anything. I only had about 80 or so and laying them out I realized that I was going to need a lot more. I don't remember why, but I stopped for a while. Then I couldn't figure out how to make any more when I tried to start again. I just couldn't figure out how to do them anymore. At some point your mother decided that there was no point in keeping them if I wasn't ever goint to use the, I have only 2 left now and use them as mats to put things on. So, the lesson is, finish whatever it is that you start while you still know how to do it. I enjoyed doing it while watching TV. Now i just read while watching TV. I'll never forget how to do that...
