Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Worms, worms

We have been vermicomposters for 3 or 4 years, using a worm "farm" we bought on the Internet to turn our vegetable and fruit scraps into lovely worm dirt for our plants. When we moved in August we decided to give away our worms and bins, with the idea that we would start over once we got up here. The worm farm was a good starting tool, but it wasn't really big enough, and it was sort of flimsy. Starting over, however, is turning out to be more difficult than we anticipated. First of all, we wanted to build a nice big wooden bin, but we don't have any of the tools necessary to turn a piece of plywood into the smaller pieces needed to build the bin. The next option is to use plastic storage bins, but they need to have holes drilled in them before we can actually put worms in them, because the worms need plenty of air circulation. Also we need to get the actual bins. So, today I set off to Home Depot to secure a drill and the bins...and came home with a lot of bulbs to plant in the garden, and a drill, but no bins. I stopped at Wal-Mart (I know, I know, Satan's shopping market - I don't want to shop there, but I don't have many options out here) but they didn't really have what I was looking for. Well, to be more precise, they had something that would work, but the bins were missing lids, and I need the lids to keep the worms in the bins, and the pests and cats out. I will now have to drag Benjamin out to Wal-Mart and hope that the lids have materialized in the meantime.

And we don't have any worms yet. But those are easy to find on the internet...

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