Friday, September 21, 2007


While Benjamin is off in Austin having fun (ha ha ha), I went out to pick apples. Growing up, we picked strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries - the summer could be measured by what was in season and what we would be picking next. In the fall, when I was very little, we would drive to Wenatchee to buy boxes of apples and peaches, but apart from the apple tree in our yard, I had never picked apples. This farm has at least 19 varieties, only 3 or 4 of which were ripe today. I picked 5 pounds of Macintosh and Jonamac apples today. It wasn't really the best weather - hot and humid, not the autumnal cool that you might picture. Ah well. The picking season goes until the end of October, so we will be going back.
On to the pictures: BeforeAnd after: There is now one less than in the bowl, because I ate it. Yum!
I would have liked to pick more, but there are only two of us to eat them. We don't have a dehydrator, so I can't make dried apples, like my dad would. I can only make so many apple crisps, pies, and applesauce. Again, there are only two of us. I know we will get some and keep them in the basement, where it is cool and dry, for as long as we can, but they won't last forever. That is the problem with eating in season - seasons change.

I plan to make an apple crostata (sort of a rustic tart/pie) for Benjamin to celebrate.

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