Wednesday, September 5, 2007


So much for sweeping the Yankees. The Mariners lost last night, 12-3. Sigh. I think I am about ready for hockey season to start. At least every team has a chance in the first month of the season.

Also doh to myself - I have spent far too much time lately playing on the computer, and not enough time practicing Tai Chi. I am not sure why I do this - I always feel worse after sitting around doing nothing, and better after doing TC. I think I am just lazy unless I have some form of accountability or authority figure demanding a report. I mean, I always work hard at jobs and I always did my homework to the best of my ability - but I had to turn it in, and my supervisors expected results. I always have good intentions, but I always find it hard to follow through. And now that I am no longer taking TC classes, I don't have a built-in support group. Well, I WILL practice today, and I will start reading the book I just got about TC. This blog has now become my task master!

After I posted that first bit, I went out and did my form in the backyard. About 5 minutes of embracing horse, then I started the form. I stopped after the first section and started over, because I was going too fast. On the second try I clocked in around 27 minutes, but I think I can be forgiven for speeding up a bit, because it started to rain when I was about 10 minutes from the end. The form itself was a bit sloppy though, even before the rain. That is what comes from not practicing often enough!

1 comment:

  1. Everything improves with there is a schedule, no matter how simple :)
