Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Trek part 3

Thanks to our persistence on Day two, day three was only about 8 1/2 hours of driving, and only 3 states. We arrived at our new home around 5 PM, and had time to go get a real dinner (although we did have to hunt for utensils and plates to eat it on) and get the bed set up. The first thing we noticed was that it wasn't hot. In fact, it was downright chilly - only about 70. Heck, it hasn't been that cold in Austin for months, even though it has been a "cool" summer. And that was at 5:30. By bed time, we had to drag out the comforter in order to stay warm. But I am not complaining - I'd rather put more clothes on to stay warm than have to take them off. I mean, you can only take off so many, and then even when you are unclothed, you are still hot...

The house is great. It is about the same square footage as our last apartment, but feels much bigger. I mean, there are windows on all sides of the house, not just the one that doesn't have neighbors attached. And speaking of neighbors, we have some, but they are not actually touching our walls. We have a great screened in porch (where I am at the moment), and a good sized backyard. The Erie Canal is at the end of the garden, and yes, we have seen a few boats go by. I saw a woodchuck in the yard this morning, strolling and munching his way across the lawn.

So, we are here, and almost settled. Cleo and Oliver have stopped hiding at every noise or movement, and are staking out their favorite places. We found the farmer's market on Sunday morning and got blueberries, peaches, apples, tomatoes, garlic, onions...

Here is a picture of our house, taken as we drove up for the first time:

1 comment:

  1. Yea! You made it without loosing any cats along the way!
